Quick Reference Guide's

Quick Reference Guide

Anxiety disorders can present with a variety of symptoms, which can range from mild to severe. Follow up with your physician and let them know if you have panic attacks or any of the symptoms below.  Common symptoms include:

1   Emotional Symptoms:

                        Excessive worry or fear

                        Feeling tense, nervous, or on edge

                        Restlessness or feeling keyed up


                        Sense of impending danger, panic, or doom

2   Physical Symptoms:

                        Increased heart rate

                        Rapid breathing or hyperventilation


                        Trembling or shaking

                        Weakness or fatigue

                        Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)

                        Gastrointestinal problems (nausea, diarrhea)

                        Muscle tension

3   Cognitive Symptoms:

                        Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

                        Catastrophic thinking (imagining the worst possible outcomes)

                        Difficulty controlling worry

                        Persistent worrying about a variety of topics

Symptoms of Depression

Depression can also manifest in various ways, impacting emotional, physical, and cognitive functioning. Common symptoms include:

1   Emotional Symptoms:

?                      Persistent sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness

?                      Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed

?                      Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt

?                      Irritability or frustration

?                      Crying spells without apparent reason

2   Physical Symptoms:

?                      Fatigue or lack of energy

?                      Changes in appetite (eating too much or too little)

?                      Weight loss or gain

?                      Sleep disturbances (insomnia or oversleeping)

?                      Unexplained aches and pains

?                      Psychomotor agitation or retardation (restlessness or slowed movements)

3   Cognitive Symptoms:

?                      Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering things

?                      Pessimism or negative thoughts

?                      Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, suicidal ideation, or suicide attempts

Overlapping Symptoms

Some symptoms can overlap between anxiety and depression, such as:

    Fatigue or lack of energy

    Difficulty concentrating


    Sleep disturbances

Impact on Daily Life

Both anxiety and depression can significantly impair a person's ability to function in daily life, affecting work, relationships, and overall quality of life. These conditions often require professional treatment, which may include therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, or a combination of these approaches. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, it is important to seek help from a healthcare provider.


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1.  Go to your App store and download Vets Portal

2.  After the App download, open the App

3.  Go to the bottom and select create account

4.  The next page will be the sign up today page

5.  Under the sign up today, you will see KDVMA.com user, click here

6.  When you click there, it will ask for your KDVMA username and password. When you enter that information, it will link the account. Continue with the other few question and you will be all set.

(Crohn's disease) In Crohn's disease, any part of your small or large intestine can be involved, and it may be continuous or may involve multiple segments. In some people, the disease is confined to the colon, which is part of large intestine. Signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease can range from mild to severe. Follow up with your doctor if you have diarrhea, fever, fatigue, abdominal pain/cramping, blood in your stool, mouth sores, reduced appetite and weight loss, pain or drainage near or around the anus due to inflammation from a tunnel into the skin. You can also have inflammation of skin, eyes and joints, inflammation of liver or bile ducts, kidney stones, or iron deficiency (anemia).

(Lyme disease) Follow up with your doctor for any residual disability of infection, which includes, but is not limited to, arthritis, Bell's palsy, radiculopathy, ocular, or cognitive dysfunction.

We understand you're working on uploading your records.  Please upload the following:

1.  All active duty medical records.

2.  All civilian medical records.

3.  All VA medical records if applicable.

4.  Any and all Line Of Duty (LOD) documents.

5.  All DD214

6.  All VA decision letters.  We must have them in order to determine if you need to complete a form 21-526EZ or form 20-0995.

7.  Rated disabilities page from ebenefits.  Log into ebenefits, select dashboard, click on disabilities and the rated disabilities will come up. Copy it into a word document and upload it.
