Post-chiasmal disorders

Post-chiasmal disorders

Post-chiasmal disorders are a group of conditions that affect the visual pathways beyond the optic chiasm, which is the point where the optic nerves cross over. These disorders can cause vision loss and other visual symptoms.

Causes of Post-Chiasmal Disorders

Post-chiasmal disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Tumors
  • Trauma
  • Vascular disorders
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Infectious diseases
  • Demyelinating diseases
  • Infiltrative diseases

Symptoms of Post-Chiasmal Disorders

The symptoms of post-chiasmal disorders can vary depending on the location and severity of the damage. Some common symptoms include:

  • Vision loss
  • Visual field defects
  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Alterations in chromatic sensitivity
  • Changes in the appearance of the head of the optic nerve
  • Headache
  • Photophobia
  • Systemic manifestations secondary to variations in the pituitary hormones

Diagnosis of Post-Chiasmal Disorders

The diagnosis of post-chiasmal disorders involves a thorough eye examination and imaging studies, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans. The visual field test is also an important diagnostic tool for detecting visual field defects. The ophthalmologist may be involved with the care of patients with post-chiasmal disorders, performing the diagnosis at first, therefore making the reference for further neurological management and also in the visual rehabilitation and control.

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