VA Ratings for Scoliosis Secondary to Service-Connected Condition

VA Ratings for Scoliosis Secondary to Service-Connected Condition

Posted On: Aug 01, 2023

Veterans with scoliosis should know they may qualify for VA disability benefits. These benefits help veterans with service-connected disabilities like scoliosis financially and medically.

Learn more about VA disability ratings for scoliosis and how to get the benefits you are entitled to by reading this blog post.

What is Scoliosis, and How is it Related to Military Service?

An abnormal curvature of the spine is the defining feature of the medical disorder known as scoliosis. There are several risk factors for scoliosis in veterans, including physical injuries sustained during military duty or worsening preexisting diseases. Scoliosis must have a service-related component to be eligible for VA disability benefits.

VA Disability Ratings Explained

VA disability ratings are calculated on a scale from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. A larger percentage indicates a more severe degree of disability and hence higher benefits. The VA gives scoliosis patients a rating based on discomfort, inability to move freely, and other factors.

Filing a Claim for VA Disability Benefits

A claim for VA disability benefits must be filed before the procedure can begin. Provide all medical records linking your scoliosis to your military service, such as diagnostic reports, X-rays, and any pertinent medical history relevant to your medical condition.

Understanding VA Disability Rating Schedule for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is evaluated with the VA using the 5230 Diagnostic Code. Disabilities are evaluated according to the degree of curvature as follows:

  • 0%: If the curve is less than 10 degrees and has a negligible effect, it is said to be mild.
  • 10%: Curvature between 10 and 20 degrees causes a modest reduction in function.
  • 20%: A bend of 20-30 degrees causes mild to moderate disability.
  • 30%: Normal function will be severely compromised if the bend is 30-40 degrees.
  • 40%: A scoliosis angle of 40-50 degrees when significant symptoms impair normal functioning.
  • 50%: If your spine is curved over 50 degrees, you're in for a world of pain and restrictions.

Tips to Strengthen Your VA Disability Claim

To improve your chances of receiving an appropriate disability rating, consider the following:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Keep track of your medical treatments and visits with your healthcare practitioner.
  2. Get Expert Opinions: Consult with doctors for their professional assessments of your scoliosis and its impact on your quality of life.
  3. Support from Buddy Statements: Witness testimony from other service members who saw your condition while you were in uniform may be very helpful.
  4. Maintain a Pain and Symptom Journal: Write in a journal daily about how much your pain is interfering with your life.

Appealing a Denied Claim

Don't give up if the VA rejects your scoliosis disability claim if you think the rating is too low. Within a certain time, you may file an appeal of the judgment. Consider consulting with a veteran's advocate or attorney for help with the appeals process.