VA Ratings and Benefits for Pes Planus (Flat Feet)

VA Ratings and Benefits for Pes Planus (Flat Feet)

Posted On: Jun 26, 2023

Pes planus, often known as flat feet, is a common condition among veterans and may qualify for disability benefits from the VA. Understanding the VA disability ratings for pes planus is vital to getting the compensation you deserve.

This article will assist you in navigating the VA disability ratings procedure for pes planus by covering the essential parts of those ratings.

What is Pes Planus (Flat Feet)?

Pes Planus is a condition in which the foot's natural arches are completely flat or severely reduced. It can lead to many other things, including genetics, injury, and illness. Pain, stiffness, and restricted movement of the flat feet may make it difficult to perform routine tasks or fulfill military obligations.

VA Disability Ratings for Pes Planus (Flat Feet):

The VA employs a uniform evaluative process to provide disability ratings for pes planus. The rating system considers how severely your condition limits your everyday activities.

Possible disability ratings due to flat feet include the following:

  • Non-compensable Rating (0%): A non-compensable grade can be given if flat feet do not affect your daily life or create noticeable symptoms. The VA will recognize your condition but will not provide you with any compensation.
  • Compensable Ratings (10% to 50%): Flat feet may cause discomfort, restricted mobility, and other issues affecting your ability to work. Your rating percentage depends on the intensity and influence of your symptoms on your occupational and social functioning.
  • Bilateral Factor: The VA will give you a higher disability rating if you have flat feet on both feet. It means that the effects of both feet will be included in your overall rating percentage.

Applying for VA Disability Benefits:

You must prove your case of pes planus to the VA to get disability benefits. Some key steps are as follows:

  • Medical Documentation: Gather your medical records, including test results, examinations, and treatment notes, relevant to your pes planus diagnosis. Your condition and its impact on your everyday life should be highlighted in these documents.
  • Nexus Letter: A nexus letter from a medical professional may prove that your flat feet are related to your time spent in the military. Your letter should detail how your service-related activities contributed to or worsened your condition.
  • VA Disability Claim: Submit VA Form 21-526EZ and send the necessary documents to the VA. Be careful to provide an accurate and detailed description of your symptoms, limitations, and how they have affected your capacity to work.

Benefits of VA Disability Ratings:

The benefits of getting a disability rating for pes planus include the following:

  • Monthly Compensation: If you have a higher disability rating, you will earn more monthly money from the VA.
  • Access to Healthcare: Once you are rated, you become eligible for VA healthcare benefits, including medical treatment, prescriptions, and specialized care for your condition.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation: If your flat feet make it impossible for you to keep your current job, the VA may be able to assist you in finding a new one via their vocational rehabilitation program.

Veterans with pes planus should familiarize themselves with the VA's disability ratings for this condition. You may get a disability rating that properly represents your flat feet by following the right procedures and submitting convincing documentation. Remember that the VA is there to help you get the benefits you deserve for service-related conditions.