Decoding VA Disability Ratings for Cervicogenic & Migraine Headaches

Decoding VA Disability Ratings for Cervicogenic & Migraine Headaches

Posted On: Oct 16, 2023

Are you a war veteran who suffers from cervicogenic headaches in addition to migraine? The VA disability rating system can be a complicated one.

Still, there's no need to worry about this one since we're here to walk you through all of its aspects and explain how it relates to your specific circumstances.

What are Cervicogenic Headaches?

Cervicogenic headaches are caused by problems in the neck, which are the outcome of disorders that start in the neck. You must have a solid understanding of how the Veterans Administration analyses and rates headaches as a result of an injury sustained in the military.

Causes of Cervicogenic Headaches

Occupation-related factors, such as drivers' and workers' habitual neck postures, may lead to cervicogenic headaches. Falls, car crashes, arthritis, and neck compression may all contribute to these symptoms. Identifying the causes of these headaches, such as stress or an injury sustained on the job, might strengthen a claim for VA disability claims.

What Defines Migraine Headaches?

Migraines are often incapacitating and have the potential to greatly impair a person's ability to carry out their regular activities. You might qualify for VA disability benefits if you're a veteran suffering from migraines that are connected to your time spent in the military.

Causative Factors of Migraine Headaches

Light, exhaustion, weather changes, and heredity are just some of the factors that can lead to a migraine attack. Some people are more likely to suffer from migraines than others due to factors such as age, gender, and preexisting medical illnesses, including anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, epilepsy, and sleep disturbances.

The Intersection: Cervicogenic and Migraine Headaches

The trip may be made more difficult for certain veterans by the presence of both cervicogenic and migraine headaches. It is essential to your success in collecting the benefits you are entitled to that you understand how the VA evaluates and rates these conditions.

Disability Ratings for Cervicogenic and Migraine Headaches

Cervicogenic and migraine headaches are treated the same by the VA in terms of disability ratings. Based on how often and how severely you have headaches, you may assign a rating between 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50%:

  • 0%: Use just when you're experiencing infrequent but severe headaches that aren't considerably interfering with your daily life.
  • 10%: Given out when debilitating headache bouts occur at a rate of once every two months on average.
  • 30%: Given for infrequent occurrences of severe monthly headaches.
  • 50%: Given for persistent, severe headaches that prevent routine employment.

Seek Professional Guidance: Your Advocate in the Process

It can be difficult to find one's way through the VA disability system. Think about inquiring about the assistance of specialists who are well-versed in matters pertaining to veterans. They can provide advice that will assist you in maximizing the potential benefits of your claim.

Your Path to Relief

Understanding cervicogenic and migraine headaches is crucial for maintaining a VA disability rating. With proper information and careful documentation, you may receive veteran relief and assistance.

Clarity in your claims matters. Speak VA terminology, present your case properly, and streamline the VA disability process. Getting the right health benefits is important.