VA Disability Benefits for Asbestos Exposure

VA Disability Benefits for Asbestos Exposure

Posted On: Jul 21, 2023

Know your options if you or a loved one was exposed to asbestos in the military. Military duty may cause mesothelioma and asbestosis. Asbestos-exposed veterans get VA disability benefits. These benefits recompense veterans for service-related health issues.

Asbestos, employed in many sectors, can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Veterans exposed to this dangerous material may experience these devastating diseases years or decades later. Disability benefits from the VA help veterans get the treatment and assistance they need.

Let's look at what you need to know to get disability benefits from the VA due to asbestos exposure.

What is Asbestos, and How Does It Impact Veterans?

Asbestos' heat resistance and durability have made it popular on military ships, vehicles, and construction sites. Asbestos-containing products are dangerous because their small threads may become airborne when broken or disturbed. Asbestos exposure during military duty has been linked to asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma, all of which are fatal to veterans.

Understanding VA Disability Benefits for Asbestos-Related Illnesses

Veterans exposed to asbestos may be eligible for disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans must show that they are sick from asbestos because of their service. These benefits are in addition to any worker's comp or civil litigation settlements or awards veterans may receive. Before filing a claim, veterans should collect all relevant medical and military records.

Establishing Eligibility for VA Disability Benefits

Asbestos exposure is a qualifying condition for Veterans Affairs disability benefits. They must first be given a discharge that is not dishonorable. Second, they had to work with asbestos in some capacity during their military duty, such as in shipbuilding or construction. Last, you'll need proof that you've been diagnosed with a disease caused by asbestos exposure.

The Application Process for Asbestos-Related VA Disability Benefits

A systematic procedure must be followed when applying for VA disability benefits due to asbestos exposure. The first step for veterans with asbestos-related illnesses is compiling their medical records and supporting documentation. These documents are essential to support their case.

The next step is for veterans to fill out an application on the VA's website or with the help of a VSO or other qualified representative.

Types of Compensation Available

Veterans with asbestos-related diseases may be eligible for a range of compensation ratings if their claims are accepted. Veterans' benefits are based on their disability rating, which may range from 0% to 100%. Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) may also provide financial support to some dependents of veterans.

Additional Benefits and Support Services

Veterans with asbestos-related diseases may be entitled to a wider range of benefits and services than just disability benefits. Some examples include aid for caregivers and those in need of medical treatment. The Department of Veterans Affairs is dedicated to providing veterans and their families with the resources to confront the problems associated with asbestos-related diseases.

Understanding VA Priority Groups

Veterans with similar levels of service-related disabilities and income are placed in separate priority categories by the VA. Veterans' eligibility for healthcare and other benefits is tied to their classification in one of several priority categories of healthcare. Veterans with serious asbestos-related illnesses are typically given preferential treatment because they are high-priority patients.

Appealing a Denied Claim

Asbestos exposure disability claims submitted to the VA are sometimes initially dismissed. Veterans may, however, file an appeal against such a decision. It's important to provide new evidence, follow the correct appeal processes, and rectify any anomalies that might have contributed to the rejection.