The Impact of Military Service on Back and Neck Health: Common Injuries and Treatments

The Impact of Military Service on Back and Neck Health: Common Injuries and Treatments

Posted On: May 24, 2024


Military service causes much stress on the body. The back and neck are especially susceptible to this tension. This article discusses the most common injuries that veterans get. They injure their backs and necks. It also covers the many treatment options and actions to prevent these injuries. These can help veterans keep a healthy lifestyle.

Table of Content

  • Introduction: The Toll Military Service Takes on Backs and Necks
  • Common Back and Neck Injuries in Military Personnel
  • Treatments for Back and Neck Pain in Veterans
  • Preventing Back and Neck Injuries During Service
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


It's hard to dispute the dedication and determination of our veterans. But, serving in the military may be physically demanding. This can lead to injuries, especially to the neck and back. Heavy weights, hard postures, and repeated activities can harm these areas. Accidents may harm them too.

Both veterans and service members should learn about the most common back injuries. They should also learn about neck injuries. They get these injuries while serving their country. You can stay healthy for a long time with timely diagnosis and treatment.

Common Back and Neck Injuries in Military Personnel

Back and neck injuries are more common among veterans. An examination of a few of the most common is given here:

  1. Sprains and strains: Back and neck muscles, ligaments, and tendons cause these soft tissue injuries. They may develop from overuse or repetitive stress.
  2. Disc herniation: Pressure on the intervertebral discs may make them bulge or rupture. This, in turn, can cause weakness, numbness, and pain.
  3. Fractures: Blunt force trauma, falls, and accidents are the leading causes of spinal fractures.
  4. Arthritis: Pain, stiffness, and inflammation may result from degenerative changes in the spine's joints.
  5. Neck pain: Neck pain is common among service members. It is due to the uncomfortable postures they must keep during combat training. It's also due to the weight of their equipment and the risk of injury from explosions or falls.

Treatments for Back and Neck Pain in Veterans

Veterans suffer from back and neck pain. They may take hope in the fact that there are great treatments available. Presented below are a few typical methods.

  • Muscle strengthening, flexibility enhancement, and pain reduction are all goals of physical therapy.
  • To reduce symptoms, doctors may prescribe medicine. It can include painkillers, muscle relaxants, or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Steroid injections are a localized method of pain relief.
  • Repairing herniated discs or fractures may need surgical intervention in more severe cases.





Sprains and strains

Repetitive stress, sudden movements

Pain, stiffness, muscle spasms

Rest, ice, heat, physical therapy

Disc herniation

Pressure on discs

Pain, numbness, weakness, radiating pain

Medication, physical therapy, surgery (in severe cases)


Falls, accidents, blunt force trauma

Pain, swelling, bruising, deformity

Immobilization, medication, surgery


Degenerative changes in joints

Pain, stiffness, inflammation

Medication, physical therapy, injections

Neck pain

Carrying heavy equipment, awkward postures, injuries

Pain, stiffness, headaches, limited range of motion

Physical therapy, medication, ergonomic adjustments

Preventing Back and Neck Injuries During Service

Establishing a solid foundation is crucial. Strengthen your back and abs with core workouts. Do them regularly. They can give your spine the support it needs. Lift objects correctly by bending at the knees. Keep a straight back and use your legs. Stay upright and prevent slouching all day long by wearing shoes with arch support. You can greatly cut the risk of back and neck injuries as a server. Do this by adopting these easy behaviors.


Serving in the military is a great source of pride. But it's crucial to put your neck and back health first during your service. You can minimize long-term damage to your health. You can do this by learning about common injuries. Get treatment quickly and take preventive actions. To have an active and satisfying life, both during and after serving, you need a strong back and neck.