Tennis Elbow And Forearm Injuries: Things Veterans Must Know

Tennis Elbow And Forearm Injuries: Things Veterans Must Know

Posted On: Oct 26, 2023

If you've experienced an elbow or forearm injury during your military service, it's crucial to grasp the intricacies of veterans' disability ratings for these conditions and gain insights into the disability benefits application process.

While VA ratings may seem intricate, we're here to break the procedure to aid you in determining the right rating for your tennis elbow and forearm injuries. Read on to understand more about the VA disability ratings qualification process and how to receive appropriate ratings for your conditions.

Type of Elbow And Forearm Injuries That Qualify For VA Ratings?

Eligibility for a VA disability rating extends to a wide range of elbow and forearm injuries and associated diseases and conditions, including conditions like cancer. It's crucial to understand that combat-related injuries are not the sole qualifiers; even injuries from non-combat situations with a service connection are eligible for compensation.

Notably, around 25% of service-related injuries do not arise from combat scenarios. Research indicates that non-battle service injuries are as significant as those incurred during combat.

Your eligibility for compensation is not contingent on the injury occurring in a combat situation; veterans who sustained elbow or forearm injuries outside of combat are equally entitled to receive compensation for their service-related conditions.

In addition to combat injuries, it's essential to recognize that various service-related situations can lead to elbow and forearm injuries, and veterans deserve recognition and support for their sacrifices and service-connected conditions.

How To Receive VA Disability Ratings For Tennis Elbow And Forearm Injuries?

To receive a VA disability rating, the VA requires a Compensation and Pension (C&P) Exam. However, before scheduling this exam for elbow or forearm injuries, you must provide a medical nexus letter. Unlike certain conditions automatically presumed to be service-connected (such as malaria for those serving in affected regions), elbow and forearm injuries are not considered presumptive.

Since these injuries can also occur outside of military service, it's crucial to provide evidence that the damage occurred during your time in service.

How To Obtain A Nexus Letter?

To secure a medical nexus letter, you should initiate a visit to a doctor or specialist. After evaluating your injury or disability, they can determine if it is service-related. If the connection is established, the doctor or specialist will draft a letter that outlines the medical nexus between your injury or disability and your period of military service. Once the VA acknowledges this nexus, they will arrange a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam. For an improved chance of success, veterans may consider seeking multiple nexus letters from different specialists.

C&P Exam For Your Tennis Elbow

It's crucial to understand that a C&P exam is not intended for treatment but primarily focuses on diagnosing and rating your disabilities. During the examination, the doctor or specialist will assess your pain levels, ability to lead a regular life, and joint and back range of motion. It's essential to keep in mind that you should not anticipate receiving prescriptions or medical care during your C&P exam. While it plays a significant role in your long-term care and disability benefits, its purpose is not to alleviate your immediate problems.

How VA Disability Ratings For Hand And Forearm Injuries Are Evaluated?

During the comprehensive C&P examination, a VA doctor will thoroughly assess your injury, evaluating its impact on your overall disability. As an integral part of this examination, the VA doctor assigns a disability rating, directly influencing the compensation rate you are eligible for your injury or impairment. It's essential to recognize that veterans might be entitled to multiple disability ratings if they contend with several injuries, conditions, or disabilities.