How to Sign Up For VA Disability Benefits?

How to Sign Up For VA Disability Benefits?

Posted On: Nov 24, 2022

If you are a veteran who has served their country for quite some time, you are automatically entitled to a pension. However, if you have sustained a few injuries or suffer from a disability, then the government owes you a list of benefits, including compensation. This compensation depends on how serious your disability or injuries are and whether or not you can return to your normal life. 

Usually, the Veteran Administration (VA) allows for multiple benefits. However, to receive all of them, you need to sign up properly for them. In this article, we will talk about all those methods through which you can apply for compensation. 

VA Evaluation Procedure

Before you receive any of the benefits, you will have to go through an evaluation procedure. While it is not strictly part of the process, you will have to undergo the evaluation process sooner or later. There are a few things to remember. 

  • Often, you will need a medical opinion from the VA doctors, as well as independent doctors from the VA. 
  • The VA evaluates your eligibility for compensation. 
  • Depending on your disability or degree of illness, you are also offered other benefits apart from compensation. 
  • Mental health also comes into play. 

Applying for VA Disability Benefits

There are three primary ways through which you can easily apply for VA disability benefits. These ways are explained below. Please note that in every method, there are a few things involved. 

  • You file the claim. 
  • VA evaluates you. 
  • A final decision is taken. 
  • You are given compensation. Sometimes, the decision is denied, and you have to appeal to change that decision. 

The methods for applying are given below. 


This is the most common way to apply for a VA disability benefits program. Just go to a website, and file your claim there. You will have to fill out a few forms and then submit your claim. Make sure that your evidence is strong since you won't be going in person. 

Going in Person

You can also go in person and meet the proper officers to file your claim. This process requires more effort, though there are a few advantages as you get to meet the officials in person. 

Getting Professional Help

You will get the help of a professional who will walk you through the entire process for an optimal fee. This method is recommended, especially if you need more compensation for your disabilities.