Tips For Your Next C&P Examination

Tips For Your Next C&P Examination

Posted On: May 11, 2023

Veterans who experience an illness, accident, or military service aggravated an existing ailment can receive a monthly tax-free payment from Veterans Affairs.

Veterans must demonstrate to the VA that their disease is service-related to be eligible for this benefit. They must also pass a compensation and pension (C&P) exam so that the VA may assess their level of disability depending on the severity of their illness.

The veteran will receive more compensation the more significant the disability rating is given. Here is how you can win your C&P exam:

Properly Submit Your Initial Disability Documents

If you qualify for VA disability benefits, gather all the information you can to substantiate your claim. Check to see if any extra papers need to be filed, and ensure all paperwork is filled out with supporting documentation.

You may not even reach the exam stage of the procedure if the VA does not get the required proof and documents.

The same guidelines apply whether you ask for a new or higher disability rating. According to federal government regulations, the handicap must have a "nexus," or a direct relationship, to a circumstance that occurred while on active duty.

A nexus letter from a licensed healthcare professional that the examiner may see with your other medical records can be highly beneficial.

Communicate The Severity Of Your Illness

Be careful to link your disease to your military service when you describe it. If you have a disease that comes and goes and is not in much pain on the day of your exam, describe how you feel on your worst day to give an accurate picture of your impairment.

Before the consultation, you must provide any new non-VA medical records online through a certified representative or by mail to a VA regional office. The C&P exam vendor is unable to submit these documents on your behalf.

Stick To The Topic

Most veterans frequently recount their service during exams. Remember that the examiner might not be a veteran, may not have lived through a war, and may not be familiar with military terminology or vocabulary. Focus on the relevant medical information and the service-related limitation.

Communicate Openly

When you consider that you are a proud military member and that this is a highly time-consuming process with a ton of paperwork, sometimes things go overlooked.

Consider the test your one opportunity to demonstrate and detail your experiences to the VA. Since the exam has cost the public money, it may be harder to succeed on appeal following a C&P exam. Benefits being delayed works against you.

Relax the day before your test, and ensure you have learned every word you intend to say.

Consider Using A C&P Coach

Veterans who receive coaching and education on their impairments from any reputable institute see an average 30-point rise in their disability rating. Benefits increase with a higher rating. However, VA does not impose a fee for submitting or appealing a claim.

Be Patient With A Decision

The time the VA takes to respond to a claim varies by circumstance. It often takes 60 to 90 days following the test when someone successfully presents a case themselves or with the assistance of a veteran's advocacy group. It may take around six months to a year for weaker instances. Some claims may take two or more years to resolve if the medical evidence isn't strong enough to support your claim.

Be Prepared For Future Exams

You may have ten separate C&P exams if you file ten claims. Some claims call for a "regular future examination," which may occur once yearly for ten years or every other year for twenty-five years.